Fighter in you


All rules are subject to approval by the local Athletic Commission and 
The Association of Boxing Commissions (ABC). 
We comply with the Muhammad Ali Act. 
All rules consider the highest standards for safety and protection of the Boxers. 
  1. WIBA Title fights will be fought under ABC rules
  1. WIBA World Title fights are ten (10) rounds. WIBA International, Intercontinental, Americas titles are eight (8) or ten (10) rounds.

WIBA Youth Titles can be 6 or 8 rounds. Rounds are 2 minutes in length, with a one minute rest

period between rounds. (3 minute rounds are ok if both camps agree to it)

  1. A WIBA Supervisor must be present, at the weigh-in and the fight.
  1. Official weigh-ins are to be no more then 28 hours before start of the event.
  1. if a fighter cannot make weight, after given 3 hours from the initial weigh-in, the title fight may still proceed at scheduled. But if the overweight fighter wins, the title remains vacant,

whereas if the fighter who makes weight wins, then she is recognised as champion.

  1. Gloves are 8 oz for bouts at 147 pounds and under. 10 oz gloves are used for fights at 148 pounds and heavier.
  1. Coagulants may consist of adrenaline 1/1000, avitene, and thrombin. Any others are subject to approval by the local commission. Monsel, or any other “iron base”

or “iron type” solution is absolutely prohibited.

  1. Any drinking liquids in the corner, other then water, are prohibited, unless certain sports drinks are approved by the local commission.
  1. The score cards will be picked up after each round and the tally made, by the local Commission and the WIBA supervisor.
  1. A boxer can only be declared a WIBA Champion by winning a contest under Championship conditions.
1.0 There will be a non-scoring referee and three (3) judges officiating a bout. 
1.1 Bouts, including championship bouts, shall have rounds of two (2) Minutes in length, with an interval [rest period] between each round of one (1) minute. 
1.1a Fighters are permmited to fight three (3) minute rounds if it is agreed to by both camps and by the local commission.
1.2 The number of rounds in all contests shall be specified. 
1.3 All WIBA World Championship bouts shall be of ten (10) round duration. All WIBA Intercontinental, International, Americas, Iberian-American titles shall be of six or eight round duration. ALL WIBA Youth title bouts shall be of 6 or 8 rounds. 
1.4 A boxer can only be declared a WIBA Champion by winning a contest under Championship conditions. 
1.5 Champions Responsibilities: All WIBA Champions must defend their title a minimum of once every SIX (6) months against the highest ranked opponant available, given a legitimate offer from a promoter. Failure to comply with this paragraph is grounds for actions to require a mandatory title defense within 60 days or to have the Champion removed and a title elimination tournament being called for to declare a new champion.If a WIBA champion does not defend her title within TWELVE (12)months, it is within the WIBA's sole discretion to vacate a title.  
1.6 WIBA encourages title unification. The WIBA will consider making concessions in WIBA sanction fees for unification title fights involving the WIBA with any other major women's sanctioning body (WBC, WBA, WBO, IBF, WIBF, GBU, IFBA). 
1.7 In the event the WIBA Champion wishes to fight for, or defend, a championship other then the WIBA, and not put their WIBA title on the line, the Approval of the WIBA must be obtained. 
 1.8 It is in the WIBA's sole discretion to strip a WIBA Champion of her title if she loses a non-title fight, or if she loses a title fight sanctioned by an organization other then the WIBA. It is also in the WIBA's sole discretion to strip a WIBA Champion to not recognize a WIBA champion if the sanction fee is not paid. 
1.8B It is in the WIBA's sole discretion to strip a WIBA Champion of her title if she or her team: 
-fails to comply with the rules of the applicable local commission,
-fails to honor a contractual obligation (any boxer withdrawing from a contest for reasons not acceptable to the WIBA)
-engages in any illegal or morally offensive conduct
-does anything to damage the reputation of the WIBA.
-does anything to disrespect the WIBA or any of it's members
-violates any WIBA by-law
1.9 It is in the WIBA's sole discretion to strip a WIBA Champion of her title if she refuses to fight the #1 mandatory challenger in her weight class, or the highest rated available contender, given a legitimate offer from a promoter. 
1.10 Boxers can not fight within fourteen (14) days before a scheduled WIBA title fight. 
1.11 Weigh-In: Boxers must weigh-in within no more then twenty-eight (28) hours before the start of the event, unless other weigh-in arrangements are agreed to beforehand by the WIBA, both boxers' camps and the local commission.  
1.12 When a boxer is overweight at the weigh-in, conducted within twenty-four hours before the fight, she will have 3 hours pre-fight, if feasible, after the time of the weigh-in, to "make weight". Any boxer who is still overweight after such time might still be allowed to fight, but if they win the bout, they would not be recognized as champion, whereas if the fighter who makes weight wins, then she is recognized as champion. If a WIBA champion fails to make weight, her title is vacated. 
1.13 Equipment: The WIBA requires all boxers to wear a breast protector approved by the local Commission. 
1.14 Boxing gloves shall be new for all WIBA title fights, provided by the Promoter of that event.  
1.15 Boxing gloves shall weigh eight (8) ounces for up to the 147 lbs weight Class. Boxing gloves shall weigh ten (10) ounces for over the 147 lbs weight Class. 
1.16 All gloves used under WIBA jurisdiction shall be thumb-attached or thumbless. 
1.17 All boxers must have two pairs of boxing trunks of different colors, available for each bout, in cases of dispute regarding two similar colors between boxers.  
1.18 A Boxer's hair shall be worn in such a way and/or may not be secured with such foreign objects that may cause interference with either Boxer. 
1.19 All Boxers must use a mouthpiece during the bouts. The fight cannot begin without both fighters having a mouthpiece. Having 2 mouthpieces is recommended. 
1.20 The boxing ring used for WIBA title fights must be a minimum of 20 feet X 20 feet platform. 
[Note: These rules are LAW the standardized ABC unified rules for women but can be superceeded by State Athletic Commission rules.]  
2.0 Bouts are scored on a Ten (10) Point Must System.  
2.1 Points will be awarded on the offensive for direct, clean punches with the knuckle area of the glove to the front or side of the head or body of the opponent above the belt. ("Above the belt" is the part of the body above the top of the hip bones)  
2.2 Points may also be awarded on the defensive for slipping, guarding, ducking an attack, and ring generalship.  
2.3 No Standing Eight (8) Count rule shall be in effect in all bouts. After each knockdown, the referee, will however, issue a Mandatory Eight (8) Count to the fallen boxer. 
2.4 Only the ref can stop the fight. 
2.5 A boxer knocked down cannot be "saved by the bell" in any round. 
2.6 There is also No "3 Knockdown Rule" in effect. 
2.7 If a boxers is knocked out of the ring (off of the ring apron, onto the floor) they have twenty (20) seconds to "beat the count" by getting back into the ring unassisted by their seconds. If a boxer is assisted by their seconds, they shall be disqualified by the referee. 
2.8 The following acts are illegal during a Bout, and will result in Warnings, point deductions and/or disqualification:  
(a) There shall be no "hitting below the belt"; Upon the Third warning from the Referee, there shall be a deduction of at least one point from each judge's round total for that round.  
(b) There shall be no hitting or rubbing with the "laces" of a boxers glove(the "laces" referring to the palm side of a glove and forearm). 
(c) There shall be no use of the feet, knees or legs in any contact during the bout; intentional fouls involving feet, knees, or legs can result in immediate point deductions, or disqualification.  
(d) Any intentional head butting shall bring about immediate deduction of one point from each judge's card for that fighter for that round. 
(e) There shall be no striking with elbows or forearms.International elbow or forearm strikes bring about an immediate deduction of one point from each judge's card for that round.  
(f) There shall be no hitting on the back of the head or neck; no hitting to the kidney or the back of any fighter. Any intentional contact of such kind shall bring about immediate deduction of one point from each judge's card For that fighter for that round; and may result in disqualification. 
(g) A boxer must obey the referee and break from her opponent when so ordered to do so. failing to do so (striking or attempting to strike the opponent on the break) will result in either a warning from the referee, or a points deduction.  
(h) There shall be no deliberate striking of an opponent who has fallen to the floor or who is knocked down. When a fighter falls to the ground, the opponent must immediately retreat to a neutral corner.  
(i) There shall be no hitting of an opponent after the end of a round. 
(j) Any "intentional foul" causing injury serious enough to terminate a bout immediately will result in the boxer causing the injury to be disqualified. 
(k) Any "intentional foul" causing an injury, if the bout is allowed to continue, will result in an immediate deduction of TWO (2) points from the boxer who caused the foul. 
(l) Boxers who repeatedly spit out their mouthpiece intentionally, for whatever reason, are subject to warnings, points deductions, and even disqualifications in certain situations, by the referee. (m) There shall be no other unsporting acts or conduct. 
 2.9 It is in the Referee's sole discretion to determine which boxer is at fault in any of the cases listed above. 
 2.10 It is in the Referee's sole discretion to caution the boxers, to direct judges to deduct points or to disqualify a boxer for any such act.  
2.11 If any Boxer shall indicate an unwillingness to continue boxing in a bout because of a claim of any foul, it will be at the Referee's Discretion according to applicable State Athletic Commission or local Boxing Board standards whether the bout shall continue. 
3.0 All boxers, as a condition to licensure or renewal of licenses from the State or Local Athletic Commissions shall undergo a thorough medical examination by a Physician appointed by the State, or the boxer's personal physician, according to the local commission rules for testing and examination.  
3.1 All boxers, in all bouts must be given a physical examination by a Physician appointed by the State Commissioner on the day of or before the bout, according to the State's rules for examination. 
3.2 The use of any drug, narcotic, stimulant, depressant, of any Description, or alcoholic substance by a boxer either before or during a Bout, is strictly prohibited. This includes Smelling Salts, Ammonia Capsules, or similar irritants. Any of the contestants violating this rule are subject to disqualification.  
3.3 The discretional use of Vaseline is allowed around the eyes. However, Vaseline, grease or any other substance on the arms, legs, or body of either contestant is prohibited. 
3.4 All boxers shall be physically examined immediately prior to the Commencement of the bout. 
3.5 The State or Local Boxing Commissions have the discretion to order drug tests, whenever considered necessary, before or after a bout. 
3.6 Uni-analysis tests are mandatory for boxers after title fights. Said specimen must be taken with a Ringside Physician and Commission Inspector on hand. The specimens should be taken in a plastic container and properly marked by the physician and boxer. It should be divided into two parts for each boxer, with bottles #1 sent to the lab. Should either boxer's specimen test positive for drugs, all parties will be notified, and another test made at the lab, as selected by the boxer and local commission. Should the specimen prove positive, disciplinary action will follow.  Specimens will be tested for the following drugs:  
Methadone ,Morphine ,Meperidine ,Propoxyphene ,Quinine ,Barbituates ,Clutethimide ,Clorpromazine ,Codeine ,Cocaine ,D-Amphedamine ,Marijuana as Tetrahydrocannabinol ,Anabilic Steroids ,Pain Killers 
3.7 WIBA requires that boxers submit to a pregnancy test before any bout For the protection of the boxer. No boxer who is pregnant will be permitted to fight. 
3.8 Should a boxer become pregnant as a titleholder, she will be names Champion Emeritus, and a bout will take place between the top two (2) Contenders in the rankings to determine a new champion.A new active champion shall be named The Titleholder. the Champion Emeritis will have 2 years to return to the ring and must fight the active champion to regain her old standing. If the fighter should return but In a new division or weight class she will be entered in the rankings of the new division. It is this case only that two (2) fighters can share the name of Champion while only the active boxer will be able to defend her tide.  
4.0 The powers and duties of the Regional Representatives of the WIBA at a Promotion shall be to see those all-applicable Rules and Regulations are carried out, and also include: 
(a) To attend the weigh-in of the Boxers; 
(b) To receive any reports relating to a member boxer from Inspectors, Physicians or Commissions;  
(c) To make a report of the boxing contest for the WIBA; 
(d) To instruct the Promoter to make payment for WIBA sanctioning fees, to accept Payment; to instruct the Promoter to withhold any Payment to any boxer and forward the same to the WIBA representative if the boxers acts fall within section 3 of these rules. 
(e) To stand ready to carry out any order or request issued by the Referee during the course of a boxing contest.  
NOTE: The WIBA is not responsible for negotiation of agreements, Contracts or terms thereof between Boxers and Promoters, Managers, Agents or others. The WIBA is not responsible for any disputes arising out of said agreements or contracts. 

5.0 All Promoters must be licensed according to the requirements of the local Commission of which the contest is taking place.

5.1 When a Promoter arranges any Championship bout or eliminating bout for a Championship to be fought under Championship conditions, he/she must receive written permission of the WIBA.  

5.2 Managers and Promoters shall negotiate all purse offers.  

5.3 If more then 1 promoter wishes to promote a fight for a vacant WIBA title, they must go to bids and the promoter who offers the highest purse money will get the fight.  

5.4 If requested by the WIBA, the Promoter will disclose in writing, the Amount of Purse paid to any boxer, and/or detailed financial accountings for any contest they promote under the auspices of the WIBA.  

5.5 The Promoters shall pay the purse to the boxer herself or to the boxer’s Representative at the boxer’s request.  

5.6 Not less than 30 days prior to any proposed contest, the Promoter shall submit to. The WIBA in writing the date and full details of The venue, for its approval. In addition, the Promoter shall supply to the WIBA such other information about the proposed contest as the WIBA shall require.  

5.7 Boxers who have contracted with a Promoter for an upcoming Contest may not accept another bout within 30 days prior to that contest, unless agreed to by the Promoter.  

5.8 Sanctioning Fees are $1,500 per WIBA World Title Contest, plus $700 for WIBA Belt. Sanctioning Fees for WIBA International and Intercontinental Titles are $1000, plus $700 for WIBA Belt.  Sanctioning Fees for WIBA Americas, or Youth Titles are $850, plus $700 for WIBA Belt.  Monies are due 21 days prior to the bout. The WIBA takes 0% of any fighters purse for sanctioning fees.  for WIBA World Title fights, judges are to be paid $200 USD, and the referee is to be paid $250 USD, supervisors are to be paid $300 USD. 

5.9 The Promoter is responsible for the purchase of the WIBA Championship Belt. When a championship changes hands, it is the promoters responsibility to purchase a belt for the newly crowned champion. Only the winner of the contest can obtain the belt.  

5.10 The Promoter is to provide and pay for all hotel accommodations and travel arrangements for the representatives of the WIBA.  

5.11 The Promoter is responsible for any and all legal fees in the collection of any monies owed to the WIBA by the promoter.  

5.12 All WIBA sanction fees are non-refundable. In case of an event being cancelled, a sanction fee that has been paid by the promoter, can be carried over to a later event within 6 months of the original event date.



WIBA Mini Flyweight World Champion


WIBA Light Welterweight World Champion


WIBA Flyweight World Champion


WIBA Featherweight World Champion

denise castle

WIBA Atomweight World Champion


WIBA Bantamweight World Champion


WIBA Super Featherweight World Champion


WIBA Super Bantamweight World Champion


WIBA Welterweight World Champion


WIBA Super Flyweight World Champion


WIBA Lightweight World Champion


WIBA Bantamweight World Champion


1. Arlie Meleisea (NZ)

2. Vanessa Lepage Joanisse (Canada)

3. Razel Mohamed (South Africa)

4. Sequita Hemingway (NZ)

5. Minellis Blanco (Colombia)

6. Princess Hairston (USA)

7. Chia Fei Asbury (USA)

8. Thi Phuong Hoai Nguyen (Vietnam)

9. Anabel De Los Santos Pina (DR)

10. Jackie Lea Osborn (Singapore)

11. Celia Rosa Sierra (Colombia)

12. Siriwan Thongmanit (Thailand)

13. Trish Vaka (NZ)

14. Maria Hunt (NZ)

15. Laila Michel Martinez (Mexico)

1. Lani Daniels (NZ) – IBF champion

2. Raquel Miller (USA)

3. Bolatito Oluwole (Nigeria)

4. Che Kenneally (Australia)

5. Rollen Muleba (South Africa)

6. Kayla Williams (USA)

7. Sarah Scheurich (Germany)

8. Roseanna Cox (NZ)

9. Timea Nagy (Hungary)

10. Lillian Molala (South Africa)

11. Mary Greg (Papua New Guinea)

1. Savannah Marshall (UK) – WBA, IBF & WBO champion 

2. Franchon Crews Dezurn (USA) – WBC & WBA interim champion 

3. Shadasia Green (USA)

4. Elin Cederroos (Sweden)

5. Ogleidis Suarez (Venezuela)

6. Citlalli Ortiz (USA)

7. Angelica Lopez Flores (Mexico)

8. Christianne Fahey (UK)

9. Jessica Triebelova (Slovakia)

10. Wendy Gcado (South Africa)

11. Hanna Rousu (Finland)

12. Natasha Spence (Canada)

13. Agness Mtimaukanena (Malawi)

14. Elena Sikmashvili (Georgia)

15. Pasene Asuega (USA)

16. Indira Perez (Colombia)

17. Eva Lidia Silva (Mexico)

18. Brook Eaton (UK)

19. Amy Cooper (UK)

20. Monique Bux (UK)

21. Yelianyi Fernandez (Venezuela)

22. Elizabeth Akinyi (Kenya)

23. Lucy Macho (Tanzania)

24. Kate Boulus (Australia)

25. Fairouz Eissa (Australia)

26. Celina Agwu (Nigeria)

27. Beatriz Castrillon (Colombia)

28. Hergie Bacyadan (Philippines)

29. Mwamba Benedict Lulua (DRC)

30. Jozette Cotton (USA)

1. Claressa Shields (USA) – WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO & WBF champion

2. Mapule Ngubane (South Africa)

3. Elle Coulson (UK) – INTERNATIONAL and IBC World champion

4. Olivia Curry (USA)

5. Olivia Gerula (Canada)

6. Melinda Watpool (Canada)

7. Mary Casamassa (USA)

8. Angie Paola Rocha (Colombia)

9. Luiza Davydova (Russia)

10. Rushda Mallick (South Africa)

11. Monalisa Sibanda (Zimbabwe) – INTERCONTINENTAL 140 champion 

12. Rita Mrwebi (South Africa)

13. Justyna Walas (Poland)

14. Charity Mukami (Kenya)

15. Jordanne Garcia (USA)

16. Kaitlin Lavigne (USA)

17. Nailini Helu (NZ)

18. Lorena Carrillo (Colombia)

19. Ayanna Tramont (USA)

20. Jesikah Guerra (USA)

21. Chloe Chaos (Australia)

22. Amelia Yara (Fiji)

23. Inise Kaunimara (Fiji)

24. Lina Tejada (DR)

25. Rajwinder Kaur (India)

26. Valeria Segovia Alonzo (Mexico) 

27. Nana Chakhvashvili (Georgia)

28. Kaye Scott (Australia)

29. Toyin Adejumola (Nigeria)

30. Noxolo Mkhasibe (South Africa)

31. Emily Kabwalo (Zimbabwe)

32. Nadja Jesus Santos (Brazil)

33. Khushi Dhiman (India)

34. Leila Yusuph Macho (Tanzania)

35. Gina Delgado (Colombia)

36. Caitlin Beckett (Australia

World Champion-


1. Cecilia Braekhus (Norway)

2. Terri Harper (UK) – WBA champion 

3. Ema Kozin (Slovenia) – WBC, WBO & WBF champion

4. Femke Hermans (Belgium) – IBF & IBO champion

5. Mary Spencer (Canada)

6. Hannah Rankin (Scotland) 

7. Diana Tapia Castro (Mexico)

8. Logan Holler (USA)

9. Sonya Dreiling (USA)

10. Yohana Belen Alfonzo (Argentina)

11. Priscilla Peterle (France)

12. Marianne Ahlborg (Sweden)

13. Stephanie Mfongwot (Australia)

14. Millicent Agboegbulen (Australia)

15. Desley Robinson (Australia)

16. Tayla Harris (Australia)

17. Carolyn Redmond (Canada)

18. Ellis Hopkins (UK)

19. Hanna Hansen (Germany)

20. April Hunter (UK)

21. Lily Ella Craw-Seaman (Scotland)

22. Elia Carranza (USA)

23. Samantha Pill (USA)

24. Jade Grierson (UK)

25. Georgia O’Connor (UK)

26. Paige Goodyear (UK)

27. Sandy Meunier (France)

28. Miranda Barber (USA)

29. Ester Konecna (Czech Republic)

30. Yarkor Chavez Annan (Ghana)

31. Silvia Silva Barraza (Mexico)

32. Valeria Bustamante Corrales (Mexico)

33. Jenna Gaglioti (USA)

34. Claribel Mena (DR)

35. Grace Mwakamele (Tanzania)

36. Lunje Makhosi (South Africa)

37. Jamie Edenden (Australia)

38. Connie Chan (Australia)

39. Cris Cyborg (Brazil)

40. Elsidita Selaj (Albania

World Champion-


1. Jessica McCaskill (USA) – WBA, WBC & IBO champion

2. Sandy Ryan (UK) – WBO champion

3. Natasha Jonas (UK) – IBF champion 

4. Mikaela Mayer (USA) 

5. Patricia Berghult (Sweden) 

6. Ivana Habazin (Croatia)

7. Mary McGee (USA)

8. Maricela Cornejo (USA)

9. Alma Ibarra (Mexico)

10. Olivia Belkacem (Switzerland)

11. Lauren Price (UK)

12. Chevelle Hallback (USA)

13. Maria Lindberg (Sweden) – WIBF & GBU 154 champion

14. Oshae Jones (USA)

15. Lolita Muzeya (Zambia)

16. Dilara Yucel (Turkey) – UBO 154 title

17. Jennifer Williams (Canada)

18. Szilvia Szabados (Hungary)

19. Stephanie Pineiro Aquino (PR)

20. Dee Allen (UK)

21. Michaela Kotaskova (Austria)

22. Kandi Wyatt (Canada)

23. Kirstie Bavington (UK)

24. Beth Arthur (UK)

25. Bree Burbeary (UK)

26. Naomi Mannes (Germany)

27. Kinga Magyar (Hungary)

28. Cynthia Lozano (Mexico)

29. Rupinder Kaur (India)

30. Jessica Louise Messina (Australia)

31. Erica Juana Gabriela Alvarez (Argentina)

32. Lucia Noelia Perez (Argentina)

33. Deseree Jamison (USA)

34. Deborah Willies (USA)

35. Nargis Selemani Mbange (Tanzania)

36. Abosede Akinsanya (Nigeria)

37. Marine Beauchamp (France)

38. Kelsey Wickstrum (USA)

39. Enja Ryan (Australia)

40. Kate McLaren (Australia)

41. Timea Belik (Hungary)

42. Helia Kalali Nia (Turkey)

World Champion-


1. Katie Taylor (Ireland) – WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO & IBO champion

2. Chantelle Cameron (UK) 

3. Oshin Derieuw (Belgium) 

4. Ewa Piatkowska (Poland)

5. Anahi Ester Sanchez (Argentina)

6. Hedda Wolmarens (South Africa)

7. Sarah Achieng (Kenya)

8. Flora Pili (France)

9. Silvia Bortot (Italy)

10. Dahianna Santana (DR)

11. Marie-Pier Houle (Canada)

12. Donia Darouiche (France)

13. Valentina Keri (Serbia)

14. Cindy Reyes Espinoza (Mexico)

15. Marisol Moreno (Mexico)

16. Malakay Moukayber (Australia)

17. Yamila Esther Reynoso (Argentina)

18. Yamila Belen Abellaneda (Argentina)

19. Maria Elena Maderna (Argentina)

20. Marisa Joana Portillo (Argentina)

21. Beatriz Aguilar Jimenez (Mexico)

22. Bexcy Mateus (Colombia)

23. Sarah Weidmann (Germany)

24. Nicola Barke (UK)

25. Ailen Agrobert (Argentina)

26. Vicky Quevedo (Chile)

27. Jeanine Brown (Australia)

28. Brooke Cooper (Australia)

29. Monica Henao (Colombia)

30. Diana Ayala (Colombia)

31. Paola Esther Herrera (Colombia)

32. Maryna Malovana (Ukraine)

33. Sara Bellotti (Italy)  

34. Claudia Andrea Lopez (Argentina)

35. Aldana Pons (Argentina)

36. Shayna Foppiano (USA)

37. Shamara Woods (USA)

38. Sheila Fabiana Liesegang (Uruguay)

39. Paige Murney (UK)

40. Estheliz Hernandez (Venezuela)

41. Samantha Worthington (USA)

42. Mahjouba Oubtil (Morocco)

43. Lorena Soledad Balbuena (Argentina)

44. Elsa Hemat (France)

45. Anissa Benyoub (France)

46. Victoire Piteau (France)

47. Neha Jangra (India)

1. Caroline Dubois (UK) – IBO champion 

2. Estelle Mossely (France) 

3. Jelena Janicijevic (Serbia)

4. Oleksandra Sidorenko (Poland)

5. Firuza Sharipova (Kazakhstan) 

6. Beke Bas (Germany) – IBA champion

7. Yanina del Carmen Lescano (Argentina)

8. Maira Moneo (Uruguay) – WBA interim & WBC interim champion

9. Erica Farias (Argentina)

10. Rhiannon Dixon (UK)

11. Katharina Thanderz (Spain)

12. Jessica Camara (Canada)

13. Magali Rodriguez Lopez (Mexico)

14. Ruth Chisale (Malawi)

15. Chantall Martinez (Panama)

16. Chelsey Anderson (USA)

17. Natalie Zimmermann (Germany) – WIBF 140 champion

18. Sofia Nabet (France)

19. Edina Kiss (Hungary)

20. Nicole Wesner (Germany) – WBF champion 

21. Anisha Basheel (Malawi)

22. Miranda Reyes (USA)

23. Jamie Clampitt-Hayes (USA)

24. Yazmin Rivas (Mexico)

25. Lizbeth Crespo (Bolivia)

26. Dilar Kisikyul (Germany) – WIBF & GBU champion 

27. Stephanie Han (USA)

28. Ella Boot (Australia)

29. Anna Krasnoperova (Russia)

30. Lourdes Micaela Grand (Argentina)

31. Micaela Diaz (Argentina)

32. Bonita van Jaarsveld (South Africa)

33. Raider Muleba (South Africa)

34. Kholosa Ndobayini (South Africa)

35. Stevie Morgan (USA) 

36. Joana Nwamerue (Bulgaria)

37. Lorena Edith Agoutborde (Argentina)

38. Feriche Mashaury (Tanzania)

39. Nasra Msami (Tanzania)

40. Stevie Jane Coleman (USA)

41. Paulina Cardona (Colombia)

42. Taylah Gentzen (Australia)

43. Hayley Adrian (Australia)

44. Pamela Noutcho Sawa (Italy)

45. Harli Whitwell (UK)

46. Jordan Dobie (Canada)

47. Alexandra Ordina (Russia)

48. Yuliya Kutsenko (Russia)

49. Valgerdur Gudsteinsdottir (Iceland)

1. Delfine Persoon (Belgium) 

2. Alycia Baumgardner (USA) – WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO & IBO champion

3. Hyun-Mi Choi (South Korea) – WBA champion in recess

4. Christina Linardatou (Greece)

5. Deanha Hobbs (Australia)

6. Melissa St Vil (USA)

7. Beatriz Ferreira (Brazil)

8. Leila Beaudoin (Canada)

9. Karla Ramos Zamora (Mexico)

10. Fatuma Zarika (Kenya) – WBF interim champion 

11. Victoria Bustos (Argentina)

12. Elhem Mekhaled (France)

13. Karen Elizabeth Carabajal (Argentina)

14. Kara Ro (Canada)

15. Licia Boudersa (France) – WBF champion 

16. Bo Mi Re Shin (South Korea)

17. Elif Nur Turhan (Turkey) – WBF 140 champion 

18. Amina Zidani (France)

19. Nozipho Bell (South Africa)

20. Liliana Palmera (Colombia)

21. Ramona Graeff (Germany)

22. Rima Ayadi (France)

23. Sofya Ochigava (Russia) 

24. Melissa Hernandez (USA)

25. Maria Ines Ferreyra (Argentina)

26. Kirsty Hill (UK)

27. Vicky Wilkinson (UK)

28. Kristine Shergold (UK)

29. Kallia Kourouni (Greece) – WIBF & GBU champion

30. Alys Sanchez (Venezuela)

31. Kiria Tapia (PR)

32. Jade Taylor (UK)

33. Destiny Jones (USA)

34. Czarina McCoy (USA) 

35. Iranda Paola Torres (Mexico)

36. Jekaterina Marcenko (Latvia)

37. Angel Rushton (Australia)

38. Tywarna Campbell (Australia)

39. Sara Jalonen (Australia)

40. Usanakorn Thawilsuhannawang (Thailand)

41. Chiedza Homakoma (Zimbabwe)

42. Yenifer Rodriguez (Colombia)

43. Colleen Davis (USA)

44. Taynna Cardoso (Brazil)

45. Simone Da Silva Duarte (Brazil)

46. Ikram Kerwat (Germany) – WBF 147 champion 

47. Estefania Karen Alaniz (Argentina)

48. Martina Righi (Italy)

49. Nadia Flalhi (Italy)

==FEATHERWEIGHT (126 lbs / 57.2 kgs)==

World Champion-

BECK HAWKER (Australia)

1. Amanda Serrano (USA) – WBA, WBO, IBF & IBO champion

2. Sarah Mahfoud (Denmark)

3. Daniela Romina Bermudez (Argentina)

4. Jelena Mrdjenovich (Canada)

5. Skye Nicolson (Australia) – WBC interim champion 

6. Tiara Brown (USA)

7. Danila Ramos (Brazil) 

8. Brenda Karen Carabajal (Argentina) 

9. Karriss Artingstall (UK)

10. Enerolisa de Leon (Spain) 

11. Elina Tissen (Germany) – WBF, WIBF and GBU champion

12. Nina Meinke (Germany) 

13. Elena Gradiner (Russia)

14. Heather Hardy (USA)

15. Raven Chapman (UK)

16. Vanessa Bradford (Canada)

17. Sara Carmona (Mexico)

18. Camilla Panatta (Italy)

19. Elizabeth Chavez Espinoza (Mexico)

20. Caroline Veyre (Canada)

21. Emma Gongora (France)

22. Martine Vallieres-Bisson (Canada)

23. Edith Soledad Matthysse (Argentina)

24. Sophie Alisch (Germany)

25. Jennifer Miranda (Spain) – WBA interim champion 

26. Carla Torres (USA)

27. Lucy Wildheart (Sweden)

28. Bukiwe Nonina (South Africa)

29. Vivian Bianelis Rodriguez (DR)

30. Sarah Liegmann (Germany)

31. Carisse Brown (USA) – INTERNATIONAL 135 champion

32. Dyana Vargas (DR)

33. Elizabeth Oshoba (Nigeria)

34. Teresa Almengor (Panama)

35. Francia Elena Bravo (Colombia)

36. Sheila Martinez (Spain)

37. Calista Silgado (Colombia) – UBO 135 champion

38. Lucie Sedlackova (Czech Republic)

39. Carly Salmon (Australia)

40. Matshidiso Mokebosi (South Africa)

41. Yolis Marrugo Franco (Colombia)

42. Anaelle Angerville (France)

43. Carmen Vargas (USA)

44. Lara Ochmann (Germany)

45. Leonie Giebel (Germany)

46. Ange Harries (Australia)

47. Michela Braga (Italy)

48. Gina Joseph (DR)

49. Angelica Rascon (Mexico)

World Champion-


1. Segolene Lefebvre (France) – WBO champion 

2. Yamileth Mercado (Mexico) – WBC champion

3. Erika Cruz Hernandez (Mexico) – WBA champion

4. Nazarena Romero (Argentina) – WBA interim champion 

5. Ellie Scotney (UK) – IBF champion

6. Mayerlin Rivas (Venezuela) 

7. Kudakwashe Chiwandire (Zimbabwe) 

8. Mariana Juarez (Mexico)

9. Laura Grzyb (Poland)

10. Mea Motu (NZ) – IBO champion 

11. Phannarai Netisri (Thailand) – WBF & WIBF champion

12. Tania Alvarez (Spain)

13. Nastaran Fathi (Iran)

14. Cherneka Johnson (Australia) 

15. Lila Neuza Dos Santos Furtado (Brazil) – UBO champion 

16. Danielle Bennett (USA)

17. Paola Pamela Benavidez (Argentina)

18. Asandiswa Nxokwana (South Africa)

19. Gloria Elena Yancaqueo (Argentina)

20. Melissa Esquivel (Mexico)

21. Jorgelina Guanini (Argentina)

22. Debora Anahi Dionicius (Argentina) 

23. Marcela Acuna (Argentina)

24. Maria Magdalena Rivera (Argentina)

25. Laura Griffa (Argentina)

26. Marianela Soledad Ramirez (Argentina)

27. Sabrina Maribel Perez (Argentina)

28. Gabriela Bouvier (Argentina) – WBF 126 interim champion

29. Carolina Raquel Duer (Argentina)

30. Tysie Gallagher (UK)

31. Ramla Ali (UK)

32. Julissa Alejandra Guzman (Mexico)

33. Laura Ledezma (Panama)

34. Isis Vargas Perez (Mexico)

35. Natalia Francesca (Spain)

36. Yohana Sarabia (Colombia)

37. Ana Marie Lozano (Venezuela)

38. Yesugen Oyuntsetseg (Mongolia)

39. Lisa Whiteside (UK)

40. Maria Cecchi (Italy)

41. Monalisa Takane (South Africa)

42. Danna Ponce Bolanos (Mexico)

43. Samantha Quek (Singapore)

44. Chandni Mehra (India)

45. Diana Rodriguez (Venezuela)

46. Perla Lomeli (Mexico)

1. Dina Thorslund (Denmark) – WBO & WBC champion

2. Yulihan Alejandra Luna Avila (Mexico) 

3. Mayeli Flores (Mexico)

4. Jasseth Noriega (Mexico)

5. Guadalupe Martinez Guzman (Mexico)

6. Nina Hughes (UK) – WBA champion 

7. Jamie Mitchell (USA) 

8. Shannon Courtenay (UK)

9. Jessica Gonzalez (Mexico)

10. Shurretta Metcalf (USA)

11. Miyo Yoshida (Japan) – IBF champion

12. Amanda Galle (Canada) – IBO champion 

13. Ebanie Bridges (Australia) 

14. Melissa Oddessa Parker (USA) 

15. Lindsay Garbatt (Canada)

16. Zulina Munoz (Mexico)

17. Florencia Ayelen Juarez (Argentina)

18. Maria Amalia Mazzarello (Argentina)

19. Juliana Vanesa Basualdo (Argentina)

20. Tatyana Zrazhevskaya (Russia)

21. Maria Cecilia Roman (Argentina)

22. Seren Cetin (Turkey)

23. Alondra Garcia (Mexico)

24. Ellen Simwaka (Malawi)

25. Karina Fernandez (Mexico) – UBO champion 

26. Niorkis Carreno (Venezuela)

27. Iara Altamirano (Argentina)

28. Fatima Dudieva (Russia)

29. Lina Kasweka (Zambia)

30. Sharadene Fortuin (South Africa)

31. Mikiah Kreps (USA)

32. Katie Healy (UK)

33. Mary Romero (Spain)

34. Johanna Wonyou (France)

35. Julieta Andrea Ines Cardozo (Argentina)

36. Barbara Vazquez Osuna (Mexico)

37. Julianna Rodriguez Acevedo (Costa Rica)

38. Avril Mathie (Australia)

39. Rianna Rios (USA)

40. Brittany Sims (USA)

41. Mikenna Tansley (Canada)

42. Adijat Gbadamosi (Nigeria)

43. Catherine Nanziri (Uganda)

44. Jeyssa Marcel (France)

World Champion-


World Interim Champion-


1. Asley Gonzalez Macias (Mexico) – WBC champion 

2. Lourdes Juarez (Mexico) 

3. Yessica Chavez (Mexico)

4. Micaela Lujan (Argentina) 

5. Irma Garcia (Mexico) – IBF champion 

6. Diana Laura Fernandez (Mexico)

7. Hee-Jung Yuh (South Korea)

8. Adelaide Ruiz (USA) – WBC interim champion 

9. Clara Lescurat (Argentina) – WBA champion

10. Maribel Ramirez (Mexico)

11. Daniela Asenjo (Chile) – IBO champion 

12. Stephanie Silva (Italy)

13. Debora Anahi Lopez (Argentina)

14. Casey Croft (USA)

15. Tania Walters (Canada)

16. Linda Laura Lecca (Peru)

17. Jacqueline Mucio Munoz (Mexico)

18. Natalia Alderete (Argentina)

19. Estrella Valverde (Mexico)

20. Jasmine Artiga (USA)

21. Sulem Urbina Soto (Mexico)

22. Paulette Valenzuela (Mexico)

23. Angelina Lukas (Kazakhstan) – UBO champion 

24. Carla Ayelen Merino (Argentina)

25. Amy Salinas (USA)

26. Vanesa Lorena Taborda (Argentina)

27. Eloisa Martinez Zarraga (Mexico) – IBC World champion

28. Aliyah Pequeno (USA)

29. Michelle Preston (NZ)

30. Chisakan Ariphipat (Thailand)

31. Lauren Parker (UK)

32. Emma Dolan (UK)

33. Halima Vunjabei (Tanzania)

34. Shannon Ryan (UK)

35. Sara Haghighat-Joo (Canada)

36. Mailys Gangloff (France)

37. Alice Mbewe (Zambia)

38. Valeria Perez (Mexico) – IBC International champion

39. Salimat Tibesigwa (Uganda)

40. Jasmina Zapotoczna (UK)

41. Gemma Ruegg (UK)

World Champion-

JASMINE PARR (Australia)

1. Marlen Esparza (USA) – WBA, WBC & WBO champion

2. Kenia Enriquez (Mexico) – WBC interim champion 

3. Gabriela Fundora (USA) – IBF champion

4. Gabriela Celeste Alaniz (Argentina) 

5. Arely Mucino (Mexico) 

6. Ibeth Zamora Silva (Mexico)

7. Taylah Robertson (Australia)

8. Leanna Cruz (USA)

9. Eva Guzman (Venezuela) 

10. Ayelen Granadino (Argentina) – IBO champion

11. Olga Julio (Colombia)

12. Jacky Calvo (Mexico)

13. Alexas Kubicki (Canada)

14. Maria Salinas (Mexico)

15. Sonia Osorio (Mexico) 

16. Simangele Hadebe (South Africa)

17. Ginny Fuchs (USA)

18. Christina Cruz (USA)

19. Marilyn Badillo Amaya (Mexico)

20. Indeya Smith (USA)

21. Karely Lopez Castro (Mexico)

22. Alma Melisa Meraz (Mexico)

23. Naylea Gil Sanabia (Mexico)

24. Nataly Delgado (Panama)

25. Maisey Rose Courtney (UK)

26. Chloe Watson (UK)

27. Martina Bernile (Italy)

28. Gloria Gallardo (Mexico)

29. Justine Lallamand (France)

30. Marie Connan (France)

31. Isabel Millan (Mexico)

32. Debora Vanesa Gomez (Argentina)

33. Olga Gurova (Russia)

34. Nancy Franco (Mexico)

35. Viviana Ruiz Corredor (Colombia)

36. Ingrid Caicedo (Colombia)

37. Laura Wollenmann (Colombia)

38. Gisela Noelia Quintanilla (Argentina)

39. Brianna Harrison (Australia)

40. Wenie Cline Verano (Philippines)

41. Mary Aina Abbey (Nigeria)

1. Yesica Nery Plata (Mexico) – WBA Super champion & WBC champion 

2. Yesica Yolanda Bopp (Argentina)

3. Evelyn Nazarena Bermudez (Argentina) – IBF & WBO champion 

4. Kim Clavel (Canada)

5. Maria Guadalupe Bautista (Mexico) – WBA champion

6. Yesenia Gomez (Mexico)

7. Tania Enriquez (Mexico)

8. Gabriela Sanchez Saavedra (Mexico)

9. Tamara Elisabet Demarco (Argentina)

10. Sol Cudos (Argentina)

11. Ji Hyun Park (South Korea)

12. Naomi Arellano Reyes (Mexico)

13. Estefany Alegria Ocasio (Mexico)

14. Linda Contreras Ibarra (Mexico)

15. Angela Nolasco Galindo (Mexico)

16. Nina Radovanovic (Serbia)

17. Yaditza Perez (Panama)

18. Lucia Gutierrez Campos (Mexico)

19. Cecilia Nino Rodriguez (Mexico)

20. Tania Itzel Garcia Hernandez (Mexico)

21. Joana Suarez (Spain)

22. Yairineth Altuve (Venezuela)

23. Maria Sol Baumstarh (Argentina)

24. Aldana Florencia Lopez (Argentina)

25. Yanali Ayon (Mexico)

26. Chuyu Liu (China)

27. Weerawan Kedsukkee (Thailand)

28. Esmeralda Gaona Sagahon (Mexico)

29. Debora Rengifo (Venezuela)

30. Roxana Maria Colmenarez (Venezuela)

31. Zara Johnson (UK) – INTERNATIONAL 112 champion

32. Romina Gisel Sosa (Argentina)

33. Renz Dacquel (Philippines)

34. Maria Cortes Garcia (Mexico)

35. Fabiola Caporal (Mexico)

36. Aixa Adema (Argentina)

37. Hye Su Jang (South Korea) 

38. Souad Masmoudi (France)

==MINI FLYWEIGHT (105 lbs / 47.6 kgs)==

1. Seniesa Estrada (USA) – WBA & WBC champion

2. Yokasta Valle (Costa Rica) – IBF & WBO champion

3. Sarah Bormann (Germany) – IBO, WIBF, GBU, WBF, WBC interim champion & IBF interim champion 

4. Leonela Paola Yudica Andino (Argentina)

5. Thi Thu Nhi Nguyen (Vietnam)

6. Anabel Ortiz (Mexico)

7. Silvia Torres (Mexico)

8. Maria Soledad Vargas (Mexico)

9. Yadira Bustillos (USA)

10. Jazmin Gala Villarino (Mexico)

11. Judith Vivanco (Mexico)

12. Perla Perez (Mexico)

13. Jessica Basulto (Mexico)

14. Elizabeth Cruz Lopez (Mexico)

15. Catalina Diaz (Spain)

16. Ana Arrazola (Mexico)

17. Hye Soo Park (South Korea)

18. Cinthia Perez Frias (Mexico)

19. Laura Chiquillo (Mexico)

20. Maria Micheo Santizo (Guatemala)

21. Rosa Olvera (Mexico)

22. Cecile Cortez (Thailand)

23. Juthathip Sitthichen (Thailand)

24. Ploypailin Palatsrichuai (Thailand)

25. Regina Chavez (Mexico)

26. Crisna Alvarez Rivera (Mexico)

27. Danna Maldonado Rivera (Mexico)

28. Arlenn Sanchez Aguirre (Mexico)

29. Rocio Gaspar (Peru)

30. Ryu Kyung Suh (South Korea)

31. Diana Itzel Ferrer (Mexico)

32. Ketmanee Chasing (Thailand)

33. Nitinart Plabplerng (Thailand)

34. Wassana Kamdee (Thailand)

35. Althea Shine Pores (Philippines)

==ATOMWEIGHT (102 lbs / 46.3 kgs)==

1. Tina Rupprecht (Germany) – WBC champion 

2. Fabiana Bytyqi (Czech Republic) 

3. Elizabeth Lopez Corzo (Mexico)

4. Norj Guro (Philippines)

5. Ewelina Pekalska (Poland)

6. Yenifer Leon (Venezuela)

7. Katherine Renee Lindenmuth (USA)

8. Lorraine Villalobos (USA)

9. Abril Sanchez Torres (Mexico)

10. Brenda Balderas Martinez (Mexico)

11. Marisol Molina Sanchez (Mexico)

12. Maria Fernanda Hernandez Torres (Mexico)

13. Naomy Valle (Costa Rica)

14. Jennifer Sabrina Meza (Argentina)

15. Yoselin Fernandez (Venezuela)

16. Lidia Gonzalez Pacheco (Mexico)

17. Wisuta Sririttidet (Thailand)

18. Sothita Sitthichai (Thailand)

19. Pimchanok Thepjanda (Thailand)

20. Lisa Bechina (France)

21. Kanyarat Nunoi (Thailand)

22. Siritorn Ponpai (Thailand)

23. Monthawee Srisongkhram (Thailand)

24. Pichada Bunmee (Thailand)

25. Maria Lopez Roldan (Guatemala)


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